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Delivering innovative solutions that maximise value for hair clinics and meet the most in-demand patient needs

Research proven



Research&Clinical Trial Service

 Research&Clinical Trial Service

Physicians, researchers and industry get a complete service including imaging, data processing, statistical analysis and support with the examination and follow-up.

Hair Consultation

Hair Consultation

Prove that your treatment is working! Diagnose your patient with second opinion service & monitor treatments the most accurate way in the world.

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

Win your patients trust and explain why your number of grafts is the best one without over harvesting! Educate your patient before, on and after hair surgery.

Dr. Bijan Feriduni

“It's important to know the real graft capacity of patient's donor before you start harvesting. Using TrichoLAB Transplanner we estimate the respective cm2 areas of the different donor parts."

Prof. Rodney Sinclair

“If you want to reliably track the hair treatment results you really need to make sure that you compare trichoscopy statistics from the same scalp spot and the TrichoLAB technology is probably the best way to do that.”

Dr. Christian Bisanga

"I use TrichoLAB tool for my hair transplantation planning and hair consultation sessions. Being a good candidate for hair transplant surgery is based on several factors. One important factor is miniaturisation in the donor."

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Schedule your free meeting with our team now and learn how to use cutting-edge technology to implement a unqiue workflow that address today's  most in-demand hair patients needs.

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