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The expert lab for in-vivo hair-exact analyses
exclusive laboratory for hair research and methods for evaluating hair and scalp disorders

Virtual Tattoo® is a patent pending technology invented and developed at TrichoLAB.
The technology practically eliminates the risk of mistaking another spot on the scalp during follow-up examination and ensures the use of exactly the same area of measurement


H2H Matching®

The H2H (Hair-to-Hair)
Matching technology

is an alternative approach to phototrichogram (clipped) and trichoscopy (non-clipped) image analysis. Based on a Follicular Map concept and matching of baseline and follow-up images on a hair-by-hair level, it achieves unprecedented measurement sensitivity and precision.


F-Mapping- the no-loss hair detection


The goal of F-Mapping® is to correct for hair detection inefficiencies by recovering information about hair not visible in the primary image from subsequent images of the same spot with different hair arrangement. The procedure makes terminal hair detection >99% efficient.

Areas of application

Full body hair in view with TrichoLAB technology.


hair density, hair diameter, hair distribution


shaving closeness, trimming eveness


eyelash length, mascara volume

hair removal effectiveness


Contact Us

Thank you!

Brożyniak Marta

Marta Brożyniak 

Clinical Trial Project Manager

We would like to learn
more about your clinic

Schedule your free meeting with our team now and learn how to use cutting-edge technology to implement a unqiue workflow that address today's  most in-demand hair patients needs.

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